The Store

Foods For Health is a whole foods outlet nestled in the quiet Parkallen Mall located at 65th Avenue and 111 Streets.

Come in and browse this pristine store and you'll return again and again. In the meantime, now that you're here, please click these links to compare our great Vegetables and Fruits prices.

For information about other Organic Produce, Supplements and Gluten Free alternatives, browse our menu to the left of the page. We are continually updating our site, so please mark us in your favourite sites list!

Sunworks Farm

Foods for Health carries Sunworks Certified Organic Meat Products at the same prices as The Strathcona Market.


Foods for Health is stocked with the best whole foods available. We will be adding more information here as time permits so please check the site again soon. In the meantime, compare our Fruit and Vegetable prices by clicking the words above.

Our current featured item is Sunworks Farm who produce sausages, wieners, ham, bacon and specialty meats are free of gluten, egg, Diary (no fillers), nitrates, sulphates, MSG (no chemicals or preservatives). Just healthy meat and spices. Honey and Maple Syrup are used as sweeteners.


You will find a wide range of nutritional products and a friendly, knowledgable staff to assist you. Resource books are also avaiable.

Gluten Free

If you have food intolerances or simply believe that a varied diet offers riches to the body, you can find inspiration and goods to satisfy any appetite! We will be adding recipes and information continually or if you have something you'd like to share - a recipe or tid bit of information, Email us and help spread the word of health on the Internet.